Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Eco Column Observation 07/18/07

Today we added fruit larvae to our column finally! I put in a new piece of banana in the decomposition chamber due to the fact our banana was almost totally full of fungi. I put the larvae on the new banana piece. The column was full of condensation and finally the water in the aquarium changed colors. One minnow was dead and one was very slow we think it could be because of the turbidity of the water. Our other water animals are okay. I'm anxious to see what the fruit flies will do to the column's appearance. Will the fruit flies change the chemical composition of the banana thus the dynamics of the column? Will the decomposition of the banana by the fruit flies just change where the banana's is located? I learned how to catch fruit flies from Michael, that was information that would be extremely important to demonstrate the process of metamorphosis which addresses a GLE for which in the past I have had trouble producing visible evidence.

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